Mapping a Memoir within Australian Landscapes: Shirley Walker
Autor(es) y otros:
Palabra(s) clave:
Australia, mermory, Shirlie Walker
Fecha de publicación:
Universitat de Barcelona
Versión del editor:
Coolabah, 9, p. 59-65 (2012); doi:10.1344/co2012959-65
Descripción física:
p. 59-65
This work exemplifies how Austrilian author Shirley Walker is deeply concerned with the unreliability of memory and the way it can exaggerate grievances or distort past perceptions, unloosing itself from historical and geographical truth and adopting first and foremost a primal function in the formation of identities.
This work exemplifies how Austrilian author Shirley Walker is deeply concerned with the unreliability of memory and the way it can exaggerate grievances or distort past perceptions, unloosing itself from historical and geographical truth and adopting first and foremost a primal function in the formation of identities.
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