Enhancing e-learning content by using semantic web technologies
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This work has been funded by a collaboration with the Izertis company funded by the Ministerio de Industria, Energia y Turismo in the call of Accion Estrategica de Economia y Sociedad Digital del 2014. (TSI-100600-2014-44) Title: Linked Open Data Learning (LOP): Enriqueciendo la experiencia formativa en eLearning; the Department of Science and Innovation (Spain) under the National Program for Research, Development and Innovation: project EDU2014-57571-P; the European Union, through the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF); and the Principality of Asturias, through its Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (grant GRUPIN14-100). The authors also want to thank the State High School teachers: Modesto and Maria Jose, as well as their students for their willingness and collaboration with the experiment described in this work.
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