El Monasterio de Raíces (Castrillón, Asturias): Estudio petrográfico de los materiales de construcción
Palabra(s) clave:
Sedimentary Rocks
Fecha de publicación:
Descripción física:
This work synthesizes the data collected in the analysis of the petreal materials used in construction of the Monastery of Santa María de Raíces in Asturias. The most probable area of origin of those is show with the purpose to identify the transport done during its construction. Macroscopic and microscopic petrologic analysis and bibliographic and field study allow to conclude that there exists a great litologic variability. Carbonated and siliciclastic materials are show, with ages ranging from Devonic to Jurasic. Possible supply areas are proposed, belonging in most cases to close surroundings, inferior to 7 km.
This work synthesizes the data collected in the analysis of the petreal materials used in construction of the Monastery of Santa María de Raíces in Asturias. The most probable area of origin of those is show with the purpose to identify the transport done during its construction. Macroscopic and microscopic petrologic analysis and bibliographic and field study allow to conclude that there exists a great litologic variability. Carbonated and siliciclastic materials are show, with ages ranging from Devonic to Jurasic. Possible supply areas are proposed, belonging in most cases to close surroundings, inferior to 7 km.
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