Investigación sobro les actitúes interculturales del alumnáu asturianu d'Educación Primaria: un estudio de casu
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Investigation about the intercultural attitudes in asturian scholars of Primary School. A study of case
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Descripción física:
Les actitúes, como conxuntu de creyencies y valores que determinen el comportamientu de les persones, interfieren na comprensión y valoración de los dixebraos fenómenos sociales, ente ellos la interculturalidá y, darréu de los resultaos algamaos nesti estudiu, van iguándose dende la estaya de la Educación Primaria. Conocer cuáles son les actitúes y el signu de les mesmes énte la diversidá cultural constitúi'l puntu de partida d'un procesu educativu más intencional qu'empobine hacia'l llogru d'actitúes positives de calter intercultural. A partir del presente estudiu esploratoriu, fechu nun contestu d'Educación Primaria, pudo comprobase non solo qu'a estes edaes los alumnos y alumnes yá tienen actitúes interculturales, sinón que sería posible evaluales, magar les dificultaes, al traviés de métodos direutos
Les actitúes, como conxuntu de creyencies y valores que determinen el comportamientu de les persones, interfieren na comprensión y valoración de los dixebraos fenómenos sociales, ente ellos la interculturalidá y, darréu de los resultaos algamaos nesti estudiu, van iguándose dende la estaya de la Educación Primaria. Conocer cuáles son les actitúes y el signu de les mesmes énte la diversidá cultural constitúi'l puntu de partida d'un procesu educativu más intencional qu'empobine hacia'l llogru d'actitúes positives de calter intercultural. A partir del presente estudiu esploratoriu, fechu nun contestu d'Educación Primaria, pudo comprobase non solo qu'a estes edaes los alumnos y alumnes yá tienen actitúes interculturales, sinón que sería posible evaluales, magar les dificultaes, al traviés de métodos direutos
Attitudes as a group of believes which guide people's behaviour, interfere in comprehension and valuation of the different social phenomenon such as the intercultural and, as a result of the study presented in the following lines, conform from the primary school period and not during the youth. knowledge of the intercultural attitudes and their sign against cultural diversity is the starting point of an educational procedure lo promote good attitudes as well as the best way to develop our pupil's social and personal skills. According to our studies in a Primary School context we have been able to show that not only the young scholars have intercultural attitudes but also we can evaluate them apart from the difficulties, through direct methods
Attitudes as a group of believes which guide people's behaviour, interfere in comprehension and valuation of the different social phenomenon such as the intercultural and, as a result of the study presented in the following lines, conform from the primary school period and not during the youth. knowledge of the intercultural attitudes and their sign against cultural diversity is the starting point of an educational procedure lo promote good attitudes as well as the best way to develop our pupil's social and personal skills. According to our studies in a Primary School context we have been able to show that not only the young scholars have intercultural attitudes but also we can evaluate them apart from the difficulties, through direct methods
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- Ciencias de la Educación [1037]
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