Los topónimos asturianos Tamoca/Caloca
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The Asturian place-names Taloca/Camoca
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Descripción física:
Nota etimolóxica sobro los topónimos asturianos Taloca y Camoca, cercanos ún del otru, y asitiaos los dos nel territoriu de la parroquia de Camoca (Villaviciosa). Formes d’aniciu non llatín, dambes con sufixu pal que podría postulase un final orixinariu -aukka, plantégase pa elles la propuesta, debidamente sofitada, de que les sos designaciones toponímiques orixinaries pudieron aludir respeutivamente a un asentamientu castreñu no alto y a otru asentamientu nel valle o depresión inmediata al castru, la actual Camoca
Nota etimolóxica sobro los topónimos asturianos Taloca y Camoca, cercanos ún del otru, y asitiaos los dos nel territoriu de la parroquia de Camoca (Villaviciosa). Formes d’aniciu non llatín, dambes con sufixu pal que podría postulase un final orixinariu -aukka, plantégase pa elles la propuesta, debidamente sofitada, de que les sos designaciones toponímiques orixinaries pudieron aludir respeutivamente a un asentamientu castreñu no alto y a otru asentamientu nel valle o depresión inmediata al castru, la actual Camoca
Etymological note on the place-names in Asturias Taloca and Camoca, very close to each other and located both in the territory of the parish of Camoca (Villaviciosa). Forms of non-latin origin, both with a suffix for which it could be postulated an original final -aukka, is proposed for including the proposal, duly supported, that the toponymic originating designations could refer respectively a settlement at the top and another settlement in the valley or in hollow immediately to the castro, the current Camoca
Etymological note on the place-names in Asturias Taloca and Camoca, very close to each other and located both in the territory of the parish of Camoca (Villaviciosa). Forms of non-latin origin, both with a suffix for which it could be postulated an original final -aukka, is proposed for including the proposal, duly supported, that the toponymic originating designations could refer respectively a settlement at the top and another settlement in the valley or in hollow immediately to the castro, the current Camoca
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- Filología Clásica y Románica [231]