Edad de enfriamiento U/Pb en rutilos del Gneis de Chímparra • (Cabo Ortegal, NO De España).
Other title:
U/Pb rutile cooling age frorn the Chímparra Gneiss (Cabo Ortega/, NW Spain)
U/Pb geochronology, rutile, HP/HT metarnorphism, /berian Massif
Publication date:
Sociedad Geológica de España
Descripción física:
The Chímparra gneisses are characterized by a HP-HT (B00ºC, 1500 MPa) mylonitic fabric reequilibrated under amphibolite facies (600ºC, 900 MPa). This fabric is formed by Qtz+Plag+Bt+white mica+Grt+Ky. Rutiles are preserved as inc/usions whithin gamet. These rutiles have been dated at 382+/-3 Ma (2° 6Pb l 238U age). This cooling age is consistent with a reported age of peak melamorphism in the same unit (392+/-27 Ma, Ordonez-Casado et al., 1995) suggesting a fast cooling rate during the exhumation process responsible far the mylonitic foliation
The Chímparra gneisses are characterized by a HP-HT (B00ºC, 1500 MPa) mylonitic fabric reequilibrated under amphibolite facies (600ºC, 900 MPa). This fabric is formed by Qtz+Plag+Bt+white mica+Grt+Ky. Rutiles are preserved as inc/usions whithin gamet. These rutiles have been dated at 382+/-3 Ma (2° 6Pb l 238U age). This cooling age is consistent with a reported age of peak melamorphism in the same unit (392+/-27 Ma, Ordonez-Casado et al., 1995) suggesting a fast cooling rate during the exhumation process responsible far the mylonitic foliation
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