“He has made us all look unreal”: strange(r)ness in Jackie Kay’s “Trumpet” (1998); [“nos ha hecho a todos irreales”: la extrañeza en Trumpet (1998), de Jackie Kay]
Publication date:
Publisher version:
Oceanide, 16, p. 38-45 (2023); doi:10.37668/oceanide.v16i.118
Descripción física:
p. 38-45
Patrocinado por:
This research was supported by the Spanish National R&D Programme, grant PID2021-127052OB-I00 (World-travelling: Narratives of Solidarity and Coalition in Contemporary Writing and Performance) funded by MCIN/AEI/13039/501100011033/ ERDF A way of making Europe, the R&D Programme of the Principado de Asturias through the “Intersecciones” Research Group of the University of Oviedo (grant no. GRUPIN SV-PA-21-AYUD/2021/51893) and the Predoctoral Research Fellowship granted by the Principado de Asturias Administration through the “Severo Ochoa” grant programme for research and teacher training of the Principado de Asturias
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