Higgs phases at non-zero density from holography
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Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(186), (2023); doi:10.1007/JHEP08(2023)186
Patrocinado por:
O. H. has been supported by the Academy of Finland grant no. 1330346 and by the Ruth and Nils-Erik Stenbäck foundation. C. H. is partially supported by the AEI and the MCIU through the Spanish grant PID2021-123021NB-I00 and by FICYT through the Asturian grant SV-PA-21-AYUD/2021/52177. N. J. and A. P. have been supported in part by the Academy of Finland grant no. 1322307. O. H. and N. J. acknowledge the hospitality of the APCTP where part of this work was done.
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