Four-switch buck-boost based module block for highly modular power architecture
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This paper presents a novel power architecture that utilizes modular power blocks capable of working as Solar Array Regulator (SAR), Battery Charge Regulator (BCR), and Battery Discharge Regulator (BDR) without the need for hardware reconfiguration, while enabling parallel operation without centralized control. By eliminating the costs associated with hardware reconfiguration, the design and development time of the power subsystem is significantly reduced. Extensive analysis has been conducted to identify the best converter option, resulting in the selection of the four-switch buck-boost topology. To validate the proposed approach, a prototype representing a modular block has been designed and tested.
This paper presents a novel power architecture that utilizes modular power blocks capable of working as Solar Array Regulator (SAR), Battery Charge Regulator (BCR), and Battery Discharge Regulator (BDR) without the need for hardware reconfiguration, while enabling parallel operation without centralized control. By eliminating the costs associated with hardware reconfiguration, the design and development time of the power subsystem is significantly reduced. Extensive analysis has been conducted to identify the best converter option, resulting in the selection of the four-switch buck-boost topology. To validate the proposed approach, a prototype representing a modular block has been designed and tested.
European Space Power Conference, ESPC 2023 (13th. 2023. Elche, Spain)
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This work has been funded by the Spanish government through the PID2021-127707OB-C21 project, the Principality of Asturias through project SV-PA-21-AYUD/2021/51931 and the Severo Ochoa grant BP21-207 and ESA through contract No. 4000129432/19/NL/AS/hh “Health monitoring of Digitally Controlled Flexible Converters”.
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