Aerodynamic performance of vawt airfoils: comparison between wind tunnel testing using a new three-component strain gauge balance and cfd modelling
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Energies, 15(24) (2022); doi:10.3390/en15249351
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This research was funded by the “Agencia Estatal de Investigación” (AEI) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, in the context of the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer, through the Project “Optimization through flow control techniques of a vertical axis wind turbine for urban environments” (ref. TED2021-131307B-I00), included in the NextGenerationEU funds of the European Community. Additionally, the support given by the University Institute for Industrial Technology of Asturias (IUTA) and the City Hall of Gijón, through the financed project SV-22-GIJON-1-04, is also recognized.
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