Changes in health behaviors, mental and physical health among older adults under severe lockdown restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain
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The Seniors-ENRICA-2 study was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain), State Secretary of R+D+I and FEDER/FSE research grants PI16/609, PI18/287, and 19/319; ELS was supported by a Juan de la Cierva Contract from the Ministy of Universities. DMG and MSP were supported by supported by a “Ramón y Cajal” contract. "Edad con Salud" was funded by the Seventh Framework Programme (grant number 223071-COURAGE Study); the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grants number PS09/00295(JMH), PS09/01845 (JLA), PI12/01490 (JMH), PI13/00059 (JLA), PI16/00212 (JMH), PI16/00218 (MM), PI16/01073 (JLA)); the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) “A Way to Build Europe” (grant numbers PI12/01490, PI13/00059, PI16/00212 and PI16/01073). The Toledo Study for Healthy Ageing was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, cofinanced by FEDER (RD120001/0043),CIBERFES (CB16/10/00464) and DIABFRAIL-LATAM (contract number 825546, Horizon 2020) (...)
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