A Fast Approach to Near-Field Synthesis of Transmitarrays
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Palabra(s) clave:
Near-field synthesis, fast Fourier transform, transmitarray antennas, dielectric lenses
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Descripción física:
We present an efficient approach to near-field synthesis of transmitarray antennas in which a planar aperture model is adopted both for the transmitarray and the field generated by it on a near plane. The necessary phases on the transmitarray are then obtained from the far field corresponding to the desired near field using simple operations such as direct and inverse fast Fourier transforms. This, together with the fact that few iterations are needed to find a valid solution, makes this approach a simple and fast alternative to near-field synthesis of this type of antennas. The proposed approach has been experimentally validated through the measurement of a manufactured prototype.
We present an efficient approach to near-field synthesis of transmitarray antennas in which a planar aperture model is adopted both for the transmitarray and the field generated by it on a near plane. The necessary phases on the transmitarray are then obtained from the far field corresponding to the desired near field using simple operations such as direct and inverse fast Fourier transforms. This, together with the fact that few iterations are needed to find a valid solution, makes this approach a simple and fast alternative to near-field synthesis of this type of antennas. The proposed approach has been experimentally validated through the measurement of a manufactured prototype.
Patrocinado por:
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno del Principado de Asturias
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