The importance of sequential partial melting and fractional crystallization in the generation of syn‑D3 Variscan two‑mica granites from the Carrazeda de Ansiães area, northern Portugal
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Journal of Iberian Geology (2020); doi:10.1007/s41513-020-00160-x
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Funding was provided to R. J. S. Teixeira by the SFRH/BD/17246/2004 PhD Grant from FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, and another grant from SOCFAC (Southampton Oceanography Centre, Facilities and Co-Operation). This research was financially supported by the Pole of the Geosciences Centre (CGeo) and projects UIDB/00073/2020 and UIDP/00073/2020 through FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Sciences and Technology.