Homoclinic organization in the Hindmarsh-Rose model: A three parameter study
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Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.), 30(5) (2020); doi:10.1063/1.5138919
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R. Barrio has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant No. PGC2018-096026-B-I00), the European Social Fund (EU) and Aragón Government (Grant No. LMP124-18 and Group No. E24-17R), and the University of Zaragoza-CUD (Grant No. UZCUD2019-CIE-04). S. Ibáñez and L. Pérez have been supported by the Spanish Research Projects (Nos. MTM2014-56953-P and MTM2017-87697-P). L. Péhas been supported by Programa de Ayudas “Severo Ochoa” of Principado de Asturias (Grant PA-18-PF-BP17-072).
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