Thermally induced sintering and redispersion of Au nanoparticles supported on Ce1-xEuxO2 nanocubes and their influence on catalytic CO oxidation
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Catalysis Communications, 131, (2019); doi:10.1016/j.catcom.2019.105798
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The authors thank Silesian Association of Electron Microscopy, Wrocław Research Centre EIT+, Wroclaw, Poland for access to the Titan microscope, Dr. K. Adamska for BET measurements and Dr. W. Mista for the CO oxidation tests. This work was financially supported by NCN (UMO-2017/27/N/ST5/02731) and the Spanish MINECO (MAT2016-78155-C2-1-R; CTQ2017-89443-C3-2-R) and Gobierno del Principado de Asturias (GRUPIN-ID2018-170; GRUPIN-ID2018-116).