MIP in demand side response
Autor(es) y otros:
Palabra(s) clave:
demand side response
thermal flexibility
state space modelling
Fecha de publicación:
Gergely Marton
Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Transporte Sostenible y Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia
Descripción física:
The focus of the thesis is the modelling of thermal loads in a way that is suitable for mixed integer programming solvers, while considering the imperfection of the predictions and fitting into a rolling horizon approach. Models for residential space heating, residential water boilers, industrial water boilers, and thermal energy storage will be described. The simulation results are presented for each model to indicate that the models correctly describe the flexibility of the physical systems, and to show the scope for cost savings. The work described in this thesis was performed at eSmart Systems in Halden, Norway, from January to August 2019.
The focus of the thesis is the modelling of thermal loads in a way that is suitable for mixed integer programming solvers, while considering the imperfection of the predictions and fitting into a rolling horizon approach. Models for residential space heating, residential water boilers, industrial water boilers, and thermal energy storage will be described. The simulation results are presented for each model to indicate that the models correctly describe the flexibility of the physical systems, and to show the scope for cost savings. The work described in this thesis was performed at eSmart Systems in Halden, Norway, from January to August 2019.
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