Boosting the Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalytic Performance of Nonprecious Metal Nanocarbons via Triple Boundary Engineering Using Protic Ionic Liquids
Publication date:
Publisher version:
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11(12), p. 11298-11305 (2019); doi:10.1021/acsami.8b18375
Descripción física:
p. 11298-11305
Patrocinado por:
M.-M.T. would like to acknowledge EPSRC grants EP/R021554/1 and EP/N509899/1 and the EU CIG 631092. M.Q., Y.Y., H.L. acknowledge the CSC for a PhD scholarship. Professor Maria-Magdalena Titirici was founded by: EPSRC EP/S018204/1, EPSRC EP/R021554/1, and EPSRC EP/N509899/1.
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