Onuphid polychaetes associated with the Cymodocea nodosa meadows of La Gomera (Canary Islands, NW Africa) - new species and new records from the eastern North Atlantic
Autor(es) y otros:
Fecha de publicación:
Versión del editor:
Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom, 97(5), p. 857-869 (2017); doi:10.1017/S0025315417000194
Descripción física:
p. 857-869
Patrocinado por:
This work was supported by the project RES-14-CI-058, University of Oviedo. This is a contribution from the Fauna Iberica Project, subproject 'Polychaeta VI: PalpataCanalipalpata I' (ref. CGL2014-53332-C5-3-P) and the Marine Observatory of Asturias (OMA).
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