¿De tal palo tal astilla?: Influencia de las caracteristicas familiares sobre la ocupación
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The objective of the present investigation is to analyze how parents ' human capital and occupations determine occupational success of sons. The data base used in the estimations is the Encuesta de E s tru c tu ra , Conciencia y Biografía de Clase (ECBC-91). Since the occupation of a worker only can be observed when he is working, abivariate probit model, which a llows to analyze participation decisions and occupational success as two sequentia l processes, has been used for the empirical work.
The objective of the present investigation is to analyze how parents ' human capital and occupations determine occupational success of sons. The data base used in the estimations is the Encuesta de E s tru c tu ra , Conciencia y Biografía de Clase (ECBC-91). Since the occupation of a worker only can be observed when he is working, abivariate probit model, which a llows to analyze participation decisions and occupational success as two sequentia l processes, has been used for the empirical work.
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