Evaluation of SuperJunction MOSFETs in Cascode Configuration for Hard-Switching Operation
Cascode configuration
High frequency
High power density
High efficiency
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Descripción física:
Superjunction MOSFETs in cascode configuration with low-voltage silicon MOSFETs are evaluated in this paper. The proposed structure combines the good switching performance provided by the cascode configuration with the benefits of the silicon technology such as its robustness, maturity, and low cost. This paper aims to explain and to demonstrate the reduction of switching losses of superjunction MOSFETs in cascode configuration with respect to their standalone counterparts (directly driven). A detailed simulation analysis of power loss contributions is carried out under hard-switching operation. Moreover, experimental evidence is provided using a boost converter (100-400 V) operating in continuous conduction mode for different switching frequencies (100-400 kHz) and output power levels (180-500 W)
Superjunction MOSFETs in cascode configuration with low-voltage silicon MOSFETs are evaluated in this paper. The proposed structure combines the good switching performance provided by the cascode configuration with the benefits of the silicon technology such as its robustness, maturity, and low cost. This paper aims to explain and to demonstrate the reduction of switching losses of superjunction MOSFETs in cascode configuration with respect to their standalone counterparts (directly driven). A detailed simulation analysis of power loss contributions is carried out under hard-switching operation. Moreover, experimental evidence is provided using a boost converter (100-400 V) operating in continuous conduction mode for different switching frequencies (100-400 kHz) and output power levels (180-500 W)
Patrocinado por:
Este trabajo cuenta con el apoyo del Gobierno de España (MINECO-13-DPI2013-47176-C2-2-R, MINECO-15-DPI2014-56358-JIN, FPU14 / 03268 y FC-15- GRUPIN14-143) y las subvenciones del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)
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