Success Factors for Lean implementation: Case study of Lean Award winners
Autor(es) y otros:
Palabra(s) clave:
Lean Manufacturing
Lean Award
Fecha de publicación:
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial
When applying the Lean management techniques, the companies can easily achieve in most of cases the firs two levels in a short perspective, being the first one a succesfu Lean, and the second one to sustain the results obtained from the Lean implementation. However, the third level, the achievement of a sustainable Lean production system is hardly reached. The main objective in this Master thesis is to study the factors which influence these three steps, and specially. For this purpose, some of the companies which have won the Lean Award in Sweden in the last years are studied.
When applying the Lean management techniques, the companies can easily achieve in most of cases the firs two levels in a short perspective, being the first one a succesfu Lean, and the second one to sustain the results obtained from the Lean implementation. However, the third level, the achievement of a sustainable Lean production system is hardly reached. The main objective in this Master thesis is to study the factors which influence these three steps, and specially. For this purpose, some of the companies which have won the Lean Award in Sweden in the last years are studied.
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