Modeling the switching behaviour of SuperJunction MOSFETs in cascode configuration with a low voltage silicon MOSFET
Hard-switching behaviour
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This work presents a piecewise model to predict electrical waveforms of SuperJunction Cascode Configurations (SJ-CCs) during hard-switching operation. This ultra-fast high- voltage switch is composed of a SuperJunction MOSFET (SJ-FET) in Cascode Configuration (CC) with a Low-Voltage silicon MOSFET (LV-FET). SJ-CCs have been recently proposed as the first solution fully-based on silicon technologies that outperforms standalone SJ-FETs in high-frequency power converters. The model deeply explains its switching behaviour and it takes into account the most relevant parasitic elements and the strong non-linearity of the SJ-FET capacitances. Moreover, the model is validated with experimental measurements in a 240W boost converter using a SJ-CC composed of discrete devices
This work presents a piecewise model to predict electrical waveforms of SuperJunction Cascode Configurations (SJ-CCs) during hard-switching operation. This ultra-fast high- voltage switch is composed of a SuperJunction MOSFET (SJ-FET) in Cascode Configuration (CC) with a Low-Voltage silicon MOSFET (LV-FET). SJ-CCs have been recently proposed as the first solution fully-based on silicon technologies that outperforms standalone SJ-FETs in high-frequency power converters. The model deeply explains its switching behaviour and it takes into account the most relevant parasitic elements and the strong non-linearity of the SJ-FET capacitances. Moreover, the model is validated with experimental measurements in a 240W boost converter using a SJ-CC composed of discrete devices
Patrocinado por:
Spanish Government under projects DPI2013-47176-C2-2-R (DOC-ANRI), MINECO-15-DPI2014-56358-JIN and FC-15-GRUPIN14-143, the scholarship FPU14/03268 and the funds FEDER
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