Bioactive compounds from regular diet and faecal microbial metabolites
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This study was financed by the Spanish Plan Nacional de I+D (Grant AGL2010-14952) and by Biópolis SL. within the framework of the e-CENIT Project SENIFOOD from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The activity of the group is being partly supported through the Grant GRUPIN14-043 from “Plan Regional de Investigación” of Principado de Asturias. Both AGL2010-14952 and GRUPIN14-043 received cofounding from European Union FEDER funds. N. Salazar benefits from a “Clarín” postdoctoral contract (Marie Curie European CoFund Program) cofunded by the “Plan Regional de Investigación” of Principado de Asturias, Spain. B. Sánchez was the recipient of a “Ramón y Cajal” postdoctoral contract from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The contract of I. Gutierrez-Diaz was supported by grant GRUPIN14-043. We acknowledge the excellent technical assistance of Lidia Alaez, whose contract was partially supported by the Project AGL2010-16525 and by “Plan Regional de Investigación” of Principado de Asturias, through the Grant COF 13-020. We show our greatest gratitude to all the volunteers participating in the study and to “Alimerka Foundation”
- Artículos [36923]