Fuzzy and probabilistic choice functions: a new set of rationality conditions
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Probabilistic and fuzzy choice theory are used to describe decision situations in which a certain degree of imprecision is involved. In this work we propose a correspondence between probabilistic and fuzzy choice functions, based on implication operators. Given a probabilistic choice function a fuzzy choice function can be constructed and, furthermore, a new set of rationality conditions is proposed. Finally, we prove that under those conditions, the associated fuzzy choice function fulfills desirable rationality properties
Probabilistic and fuzzy choice theory are used to describe decision situations in which a certain degree of imprecision is involved. In this work we propose a correspondence between probabilistic and fuzzy choice functions, based on implication operators. Given a probabilistic choice function a fuzzy choice function can be constructed and, furthermore, a new set of rationality conditions is proposed. Finally, we prove that under those conditions, the associated fuzzy choice function fulfills desirable rationality properties
IFSA-EUSFLAT'2015: 16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technlogy, July 2015, Gijón, Spain
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