Comonotone lower probabilities for bivariate and discrete structures
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Two random variables are called comonotone when there is an increasing relation between them, in the sense that when one of them increases (decreases), the other one also increases (decreases). This notion has been widely investigated in probability theory, and is related to the theory of copulas. This contribution studies the notion of comonotonicity in an imprecise setting. We de ne comonotone lower probabilities and investigate its characterizations. Also, we provide some su cient conditions allowing to de ne a comonotone belief function with xed marginals and characterize comonotone bivariate p-boxes
Two random variables are called comonotone when there is an increasing relation between them, in the sense that when one of them increases (decreases), the other one also increases (decreases). This notion has been widely investigated in probability theory, and is related to the theory of copulas. This contribution studies the notion of comonotonicity in an imprecise setting. We de ne comonotone lower probabilities and investigate its characterizations. Also, we provide some su cient conditions allowing to de ne a comonotone belief function with xed marginals and characterize comonotone bivariate p-boxes
ISIPTA'2015: 9th International Conference on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, July 2015, Pescara, Italy
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This work was carried out and funded in the framework of the Labex MS2T. It was supported by the French Government, through the program \Investments for the future" managed by the National Agency for Research (Reference ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02)
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