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Sedentary versus active leisure activities and their relationship with sleeping habits and body mass index in children of 9 and 10 years of age

dc.contributor.authorAmigo Vázquez, Isaac 
dc.contributor.authorPeña Suárez, Elsa 
dc.contributor.authorErrasti Pérez, José Manuel 
dc.contributor.authorBusto Zapico, Raquel
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Health Psychology, 21(7), p. 1472-1480 (2016); doi:10.1177/1359105314556161
dc.description.abstractA random sample of 291 9- and 10-year-old schoolchildren from Asturias (Spain) was taken. Using path analysis, a model was tested in which bedtime, the number of hours spent sleeping and leisure activities were the independent variables and the body mass index was the dependent variable. The results show that sedentary and active leisure time and hours spent sleeping are predictors of the body mass index in children. Those children who go to bed late and who use that extra time to watch the television or play with the computer tend to have a greater body mass index, while those children who go to bed earlier and have spent more time reading or playing in the park or at home have a lower body mass index. Encouraging active leisure activities can have an extremely positive effect on their body mass indexspa
dc.format.extentp. 1472-1480spa
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Health Psychology, 21(7)spa
dc.rights© SAGE
dc.titleSedentary versus active leisure activities and their relationship with sleeping habits and body mass index in children of 9 and 10 years of agespa
dc.typejournal articlespa

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