Fourier-based imaging for subsampled multistatic arrays
Palabra(s) clave:
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
Imaging systems
Multistatic radar system
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Descripción física:
This contribution focuses on the limitations of Fourier-based imaging when applied to subsampled arrays used in multistatic millimeter-wave radar systems. The aim is to determine the relationship between the size of the object under test (OUT), its position with respect to the radar aperture, and the sampling requirements on the aperture so as to recover aliasing-free images. Based on the analysis results, a method for recovering spectral information is proposed, the idea of which is to replicate the plane wave spectrum, and then apply a band-pass filter defined by a priori knowledge of the OUT size. For simplicity, the analysis is done in two-dimensional (2-D; range and cross-range dimensions). A simulation-based application is presented for validation purposes
This contribution focuses on the limitations of Fourier-based imaging when applied to subsampled arrays used in multistatic millimeter-wave radar systems. The aim is to determine the relationship between the size of the object under test (OUT), its position with respect to the radar aperture, and the sampling requirements on the aperture so as to recover aliasing-free images. Based on the analysis results, a method for recovering spectral information is proposed, the idea of which is to replicate the plane wave spectrum, and then apply a band-pass filter defined by a priori knowledge of the OUT size. For simplicity, the analysis is done in two-dimensional (2-D; range and cross-range dimensions). A simulation-based application is presented for validation purposes
Patrocinado por:
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España, National Research and Development Program under Projects TEC2011-28683-C02-02, TEC 2014- 54005-P (“MIRIIEM”), TEC 2014-55290-JIN (“PORTEMVISION”), and Terasense CSD2008-00068 (Consolider-Ingenio 2010); in part by the Spanish Government under Project TACTICA; in part by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); in part by the Galician Regional Government under projects CN2012/279, CN2012/260 (AtlantTIC), and Plan I2C (2011– 2015); and in part by the Gobierno del Principado de Asturias under project GRUPIN14-114
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