Pre-sporulation stages of Streptomyces differentiation:State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives
Secondary metabolism;
Publication date:
Blackwell Publishing
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Descripción física:
Streptomycetes comprise very important industrial bacteria, producing twothirds of all clinically relevant secondary metabolites. They are mycelial microorganisms with complex developmental cycles that include programmed cell death (PCD) and sporulation. Industrial fermentations are usually performed in liquid cultures (large bioreactors), conditions in which Streptomyces strains generally do not sporulate, and it was traditionally assumed that there was no differentiation. In this work, we review the current knowledge on Streptomyces pre-sporulation stages of Streptomyces differentiation.
Streptomycetes comprise very important industrial bacteria, producing twothirds of all clinically relevant secondary metabolites. They are mycelial microorganisms with complex developmental cycles that include programmed cell death (PCD) and sporulation. Industrial fermentations are usually performed in liquid cultures (large bioreactors), conditions in which Streptomyces strains generally do not sporulate, and it was traditionally assumed that there was no differentiation. In this work, we review the current knowledge on Streptomyces pre-sporulation stages of Streptomyces differentiation.
Patrocinado por:
This research was funded by an ERC Starting Grant (Strp-differentiation 280304) and by grant BIO2010-16303 from the Subdirección General de Proyectos de Investigación, (DGI), Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN)
- Artículos [37127]