A particle swarm solution based on lexicographical goal programming for a multiobjective fuzzy open shop problem
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IOS Press
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Descripción física:
In the sequel, we consider a multiobjective open shop scheduling problem with uncertain durations modelled as fuzzy numbers. Given crisp due dates, the objective is to minimise both the makespan and the maximum tardiness. We formulate the multiobjective problem as a fuzzy goal programming model based on lexicographical minimisation of expected values. The resulting problem is solved using a particle swarm optimization approach searching in the space of possibly active schedules. Experimental results are presented on several problem instances to evaluate the proposed method, illustrating its potential
In the sequel, we consider a multiobjective open shop scheduling problem with uncertain durations modelled as fuzzy numbers. Given crisp due dates, the objective is to minimise both the makespan and the maximum tardiness. We formulate the multiobjective problem as a fuzzy goal programming model based on lexicographical minimisation of expected values. The resulting problem is solved using a particle swarm optimization approach searching in the space of possibly active schedules. Experimental results are presented on several problem instances to evaluate the proposed method, illustrating its potential
Patrocinado por:
Spanish Government [FEDER TIN2010-20976-C0202, MTM2010-16051]
- Artículos [36912]
- Informática [835]
- Investigaciones y Documentos OpenAIRE [8175]
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