Real-time contact force measurement system for portable coordinate measuring arms
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DAAAM International
Descripción física:
This paper presents a real-time force measuring system development and implementation for Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machines (AACMMs). Due to the lack of studies on the AACMM field, force analysis of touch trigger probes on Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) are used to propose a new force measuring instrument. AACMM forces are measured with strain gauges on the hard probe of the AACMM. Strain gauges readings are used to calculate forces that operator causes during part measuring. The whole system has been calibrated according to international standards. A measuring contact force characterization is also carried out in order to know the measurement contact force influence in AACMM performance
This paper presents a real-time force measuring system development and implementation for Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machines (AACMMs). Due to the lack of studies on the AACMM field, force analysis of touch trigger probes on Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) are used to propose a new force measuring instrument. AACMM forces are measured with strain gauges on the hard probe of the AACMM. Strain gauges readings are used to calculate forces that operator causes during part measuring. The whole system has been calibrated according to international standards. A measuring contact force characterization is also carried out in order to know the measurement contact force influence in AACMM performance
23rd International DAAAM Symposium, Zadar, Croatia
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