Hutchinson's legacy: keeping on polyketide biosynthesis
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I am grateful to Professor Jose A Salas for the critical reading of this manuscript. I also thank Professors Jose A Salas and Carmen Mendez for their continuous support and advice. The research shown in this review has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (BIO2000-0274), Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (BMC2003-00478), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BRU2006-00404 and BIO2009-07643), Plan Regional de I+D+I del Principado de Asturias (GE-MED01-05), Red Tematica de Investigacion Cooperativa de Centros de Cancer (Ministry of Health, Spain; ISCIII-RETIC RD0610020/0026), the European Union (ActinoGen; Integrated project no. 005224 and BIO4-CT96-0080) to Jose A Salas; the Spanish Ministry of Education and Innovation (BIO2005-04115) to Carmen Mendez; and Obra Social Cajastur to Carlos Olano
- Artículos [36354]