Los personaxes femeninos nel teatru asturianu
Other title:
The female characters in Asturian theatre
Los personajes femeninos en el teatro asturiano
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Descripción física:
El presente trabayu plantega un analís de la presencia de los personaxes femeninos nel teatru asturianu y de les sos carauterístiques, carauterístiques munches d’elles recoyíes de la tradición popular, mentanto qu’otres, sobro too nel teatru costumista, correspuenden a una visión idealizada de la muyer del mundo rural
El presente trabayu plantega un analís de la presencia de los personaxes femeninos nel teatru asturianu y de les sos carauterístiques, carauterístiques munches d’elles recoyíes de la tradición popular, mentanto qu’otres, sobro too nel teatru costumista, correspuenden a una visión idealizada de la muyer del mundo rural
This paper presents an analysis of the presence female characters in the asturian theatre and their characteristics, features many of them collected from popular tradition, while others, especially in the theatre of manners, correspond to an idealized rural women’s vision
This paper presents an analysis of the presence female characters in the asturian theatre and their characteristics, features many of them collected from popular tradition, while others, especially in the theatre of manners, correspond to an idealized rural women’s vision
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- Artículos [35477]
- Filología Española [508]