SIW-Based Reflectarray Cell as a Means of Reducing Local Periodicity Approximation Errors
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A new reflectarray unit cell based on a SIW cavity resonator is presented at 18.7 GHz. It features a full cycle of phase shifting and low losses with simple manufacturing requirements. By relying on a resonant cavity instead of more typical open resonant elements, inter-cell coupling effects are reduced. This is validated by simulating the cell in a semi-periodic environment. The response of the cell is estimated from its surface fields under plane-wave excitation for different levels of aperiodicity. The same process is followed for a printed patch unit cell, observing that it is significantly more influenced by its environment.
A new reflectarray unit cell based on a SIW cavity resonator is presented at 18.7 GHz. It features a full cycle of phase shifting and low losses with simple manufacturing requirements. By relying on a resonant cavity instead of more typical open resonant elements, inter-cell coupling effects are reduced. This is validated by simulating the cell in a semi-periodic environment. The response of the cell is estimated from its surface fields under plane-wave excitation for different levels of aperiodicity. The same process is followed for a printed patch unit cell, observing that it is significantly more influenced by its environment.
European Microwave Conference (EuMC) (54th. 2024. Paris, France)
Patrocinado por:
This work was supported in part by the European Microwave Association (EuMA) Internship Awards; by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 within the projects PID2020-114172RB-C21 and TED2021-130650B-C22, the last one cofounded by UE (European Union) "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR; and by Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional under grant FPU20/07267.
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