[19]Starphene: Combined In-Solution and On-Surface Synthesis Towards the Largest Starphene
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Starphenes are structurally appealing three-fold symmetric polycyclic aromatic compounds withpotential interesting applications in molecular elec-tronics and nanotechnology. This family of star-shapedpolyarenes can be regarded as three acenes that areconnected through a single benzene ring. In fact, justlike acenes, unsubstituted large starphenes are poorlysoluble and highly reactive molecules under ambientconditions making their synthesis difficult to achieve.Herein, we report two different synthetic strategies toobtain a starphene formed by 19 cata-fused benzenerings distributed within three hexacene branches. Thismolecule, which is the largest starphene that has beenobtained to date, was prepared by combining solution-phase and on-surface synthesis. [19]Starphene wascharacterized by high-resolution scanning tunnelingmicroscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) showing aremarkable small HOMO-LUMO transport gap(0.9 eV).
Starphenes are structurally appealing three-fold symmetric polycyclic aromatic compounds withpotential interesting applications in molecular elec-tronics and nanotechnology. This family of star-shapedpolyarenes can be regarded as three acenes that areconnected through a single benzene ring. In fact, justlike acenes, unsubstituted large starphenes are poorlysoluble and highly reactive molecules under ambientconditions making their synthesis difficult to achieve.Herein, we report two different synthetic strategies toobtain a starphene formed by 19 cata-fused benzenerings distributed within three hexacene branches. Thismolecule, which is the largest starphene that has beenobtained to date, was prepared by combining solution-phase and on-surface synthesis. [19]Starphene wascharacterized by high-resolution scanning tunnelingmicroscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) showing aremarkable small HOMO-LUMO transport gap(0.9 eV).
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The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from Spanish MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through grants PID2022-140845OB-C6, PID2022-139933NB-I00 and PID2022-137078NB-100, from the European Union (EU) through Horizon 2020 (FET-Open project SPRING Grant. no. 863098), ERC SyG MolDAM (951519) and MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship (Grant Agreement No. 101153230 to JPC), and from Xunta de Galicia (Centro de Investigación do Sistema Universitario de Galicia, 2023–2027, ED431G 2023/03).
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