Online estimation of MOSFET Ron through Extended Kalman Filter
Palabra(s) clave:
DC-DC converter
Health monitoring
Extended Kalman Filter
Fecha de publicación:
One of the key indicators of power converters degradation is an increase on the conduction resistance Ron of the power switches. In this paper a method for estimating such increase, and thus converter degradation is presented. By means of utilizing an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) it is possible to estimate this resistance increase from simple input and output voltage and current converter measurements. In this way, converter degradation can be detected, so actions can be taken to act accordingly. A prototype has been developed to perform online computation of the EKF.
One of the key indicators of power converters degradation is an increase on the conduction resistance Ron of the power switches. In this paper a method for estimating such increase, and thus converter degradation is presented. By means of utilizing an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) it is possible to estimate this resistance increase from simple input and output voltage and current converter measurements. In this way, converter degradation can be detected, so actions can be taken to act accordingly. A prototype has been developed to perform online computation of the EKF.
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo, ECCE (2024. Phoenix, AZ.)
Patrocinado por:
This work has been funded by the Spanish government through grant PID2021-127707OB-C21, by the Principality of Asturias through the Severo Ochoa grant BP21-207 and throug the European Space Agency (ESA) project Health monitoring of Digitally Controlled Flexible Converters ESA Contract No. 4000129432/19/NL/AS/hh.
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