Polyploidy and hybridization in the mediterranean: unravelling the evolutionary history of centaurium (gentianaceae)
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Versión del editor:
Annals of Botany (2024); doi:10.1093/aob/mcae066
Patrocinado por:
The present work was funded by the Spanish Government and FEDER funds (European Commission) through granted projects PID2021-122715NB-I00 granted to M.E., J.A. and A.V.-F., and PGC2018-099608-B-I00 to M.E., J.A., E.M., A.V.F., Z.D.L. and C.A.C. and through a FPI fellowship from MICINN to A.V.F. (PRE2019-087452). C.G.T. had the financial support of the Government of Asturias (2002166-Programa Severo Ochoa).
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