CFD data of an OWC turbine optimization
Autor(es) y otros:
Palabra(s) clave:
Wave energy, OWC, twin turbines, CFD, optimization, Response Surfaces, MOGA
Fecha de publicación:
Numerical data associated with the original research paper entitled: "Multi-Objective Response Surface Optimization of a centrifugal turbine for application in Oscillating Water Column devices equipped with a Twin Turbine Configuration" authored by Aitor Vega-Valladares and co-authored by Manuel Garcia-Diaz and Bruno Pereiras, all members of FERES research group of the University of Oviedo. In this paper, a novel methodology, specifically created to optimize Oscillating Water Column (OWC) devices equipped with Twin Turbine Configuration (TTC) systems, is presented. With the information contained in this dataset, the optimization could be carried out in another working environment or following another methodology.
Numerical data associated with the original research paper entitled: "Multi-Objective Response Surface Optimization of a centrifugal turbine for application in Oscillating Water Column devices equipped with a Twin Turbine Configuration" authored by Aitor Vega-Valladares and co-authored by Manuel Garcia-Diaz and Bruno Pereiras, all members of FERES research group of the University of Oviedo. In this paper, a novel methodology, specifically created to optimize Oscillating Water Column (OWC) devices equipped with Twin Turbine Configuration (TTC) systems, is presented. With the information contained in this dataset, the optimization could be carried out in another working environment or following another methodology.
As detailed in the "ReadMe.txt" file of the dataset, the name of the text files which contain the CFD data has been encoded to facilitate post-processing of the data by any user.
Patrocinado por:
At data collection date, Aitor Vega-Valladares was supported by the “Administración del Principado de Asturias” within the “Severo Ochoa” Program (grant number BP21-160).