Narratives, uncertainty and subjectivity in the context of regenerative medicine
Autor(es) y otros:
Palabra(s) clave:
public health
regenerative medicine
Fecha de publicación:
Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca
Versión del editor:
Estudios Sociales de la Salud (Social Studies of Health);
Descripción física:
The emergence of bio-economies and debates about what biomaterials can be used in stem cell research are shaping subjectivities and identities in biomedicine today. Narratives of neoliberal nation-states often emphasise the idea that responsibility for health problems lies directly with the citizenry, while social safety nets are increasingly reduced. This creates a sense of security for citizens by endorsing certain therapeutic promises that semiotically disconnect the material conditions of uncertainty in which these cell therapy technologies are developed. In this respect, the study of the discursive practices associated with these technologies introduces a new performative understanding of the concept of health in regenerative medicine
The emergence of bio-economies and debates about what biomaterials can be used in stem cell research are shaping subjectivities and identities in biomedicine today. Narratives of neoliberal nation-states often emphasise the idea that responsibility for health problems lies directly with the citizenry, while social safety nets are increasingly reduced. This creates a sense of security for citizens by endorsing certain therapeutic promises that semiotically disconnect the material conditions of uncertainty in which these cell therapy technologies are developed. In this respect, the study of the discursive practices associated with these technologies introduces a new performative understanding of the concept of health in regenerative medicine
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