Nanoscale changes induce microscale effects in Turing patterns
Física no Lineal
Autoorganización en sistemas fuera del equilibrio
Dinámica no lineal de sistemas activos
Microemulsiones activas
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A water-in-oil microemulsion loaded with a reaction-diffusion chemical system (Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction) is able to exhibit Turing patterns that are believed to be responsible for differentiation processes in Nature. Using polymers, such as polyethylene oxide, longer than the droplet size changes the distribution of droplets due to cluster formation. This difference in the nanoscale has relevant consequences in the observed the Turing pattern’s wavelength, which is three orders of magnitude larger than the droplet size.
A water-in-oil microemulsion loaded with a reaction-diffusion chemical system (Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction) is able to exhibit Turing patterns that are believed to be responsible for differentiation processes in Nature. Using polymers, such as polyethylene oxide, longer than the droplet size changes the distribution of droplets due to cluster formation. This difference in the nanoscale has relevant consequences in the observed the Turing pattern’s wavelength, which is three orders of magnitude larger than the droplet size.
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The authors thank MICINN by funding through research projects MAT2010-17336, FIS2007-64698 and FIS2010-21023 and Xunta de Galicia through projects INCITE09206020PR and PGIDIT06PXIB206169PR. J.C.L. also thanks MICINN by his FPI grant.
- Artículos [36410]