Diffusion and chaos in a bouncing ball model
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Springer Nature
Versión del editor:
We consider the vertical motion of a free falling ball bouncing elastically on a racket moving in the vertical direction according to a regular periodic function f. We give a sufficient condition on the second derivative of f giving motions with arbitrarily large amplitude and chaotic dynamics in the sense of positive entropy. We get the results by breaking many invariant curves of the corresponding map using converse KAM techniques.
We consider the vertical motion of a free falling ball bouncing elastically on a racket moving in the vertical direction according to a regular periodic function f. We give a sufficient condition on the second derivative of f giving motions with arbitrarily large amplitude and chaotic dynamics in the sense of positive entropy. We get the results by breaking many invariant curves of the corresponding map using converse KAM techniques.
Patrocinado por:
This work has been supported by the PRIN Project “Regular and stochastic behaviour in dynamical systems”, funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research of Italy with the Identification No. 2017S35EHN.
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