La regeneración de baldíos industriales y espacios degradados en Langreo
Urban Regeneration
Industrial wastelands
Shrinking cities
Publication date:
Firenze University Press
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Descripción física:
This research focuses on the identification of industrial wastelands in Langreo and the strategies employed for their regeneration. The breakdown of the industrialisation production model, characterised by the concentration of mining and iron and steel activities, introduced economic, social and landscape changes. For all these reasons, Langreo is a clear example of a shrinking city, as it presents the characteristic features that defi ne these cities, such as the loss of population, the cessation of productive activities, processes of environmental and landscape deterioration and urban transformations that are manifested by the presence of industrial wastelands and degraded spaces. The process of regeneration of these spaces is characterised by the lack of planning instruments, the absence of a comprehensive strategy for the whole area and its implementation is therefore the result of the individual initiative of each agent involved
This research focuses on the identification of industrial wastelands in Langreo and the strategies employed for their regeneration. The breakdown of the industrialisation production model, characterised by the concentration of mining and iron and steel activities, introduced economic, social and landscape changes. For all these reasons, Langreo is a clear example of a shrinking city, as it presents the characteristic features that defi ne these cities, such as the loss of population, the cessation of productive activities, processes of environmental and landscape deterioration and urban transformations that are manifested by the presence of industrial wastelands and degraded spaces. The process of regeneration of these spaces is characterised by the lack of planning instruments, the absence of a comprehensive strategy for the whole area and its implementation is therefore the result of the individual initiative of each agent involved
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