Evaluation of a Dual-Circularly-Polarized Reflective Metasurface as a Plane Wave Generator in Ka-Band
Autor(es) y otros:
Palabra(s) clave:
metasurface antennas, electromagnetics, propagation, measurements
Fecha de publicación:
In this work, a reflective metasurface is designed to generate a dual-circularly-polarized uniform plane wave at Ka-band (31 GHz). The metasurface is designed using a Phase Only Synthesis with the generalized Intersection Approach. The design considers tight constraints in both amplitude and phase of the radiated near field. The synthesized phase-shift distribution is also used to convert the dual-linearly polarized incident field into a dual-circularly polarized reflected field. The unit-cell of the metasurface is based on two stacked layers of three parallel dipoles, adjusted cell by cell to provide the synthesized phase distributions with less than ±1º of phase error. Preliminary results show the generation of a uniform plane wave in an area equivalent to 82.8% of the metasurface aperture size, revealing the possibility of generating dual-circularly polarized uniform plane waves using metasurfaces with a simple design process.
In this work, a reflective metasurface is designed to generate a dual-circularly-polarized uniform plane wave at Ka-band (31 GHz). The metasurface is designed using a Phase Only Synthesis with the generalized Intersection Approach. The design considers tight constraints in both amplitude and phase of the radiated near field. The synthesized phase-shift distribution is also used to convert the dual-linearly polarized incident field into a dual-circularly polarized reflected field. The unit-cell of the metasurface is based on two stacked layers of three parallel dipoles, adjusted cell by cell to provide the synthesized phase distributions with less than ±1º of phase error. Preliminary results show the generation of a uniform plane wave in an area equivalent to 82.8% of the metasurface aperture size, revealing the possibility of generating dual-circularly polarized uniform plane waves using metasurfaces with a simple design process.
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (17th. 2023. Florence, Italy)
Patrocinado por:
This work was supported by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 within projects PID2020-114172RB-C21-2; by Spanish Ministry of Universities (RD 289/2021) funded by the recovery plan for Europe NextGenerationEU under grants MU-21-UP2021- 03071895621J and UP2021-035; and by Gobierno del Principado de Asturias under project AYUD/2021/51706.
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