Satellite SAR Antenna based on Multifaceted Reflectarray with tilted panels
Autor(es) y otros:
Palabra(s) clave:
Reflectarray antennas
Satellite communications
Fecha de publicación:
In this contribution, a multi-faceted reflectarray for SAR applications onboard a satellite is evaluated and designed. The reflectarray antenna consists of 9-panels distributed in a parabola along the axis with the largest size. Working in Kaband, the antenna generates a beam on each polarization to illuminate different areas of the Earth’s surface. The multifaceted structure achieves a good in-band stability in terms of gain, sidelobes and beamwidth of the pattern, which suppose an improvement in the antenna performance with regard to a conventional printed reflectarray.
In this contribution, a multi-faceted reflectarray for SAR applications onboard a satellite is evaluated and designed. The reflectarray antenna consists of 9-panels distributed in a parabola along the axis with the largest size. Working in Kaband, the antenna generates a beam on each polarization to illuminate different areas of the Earth’s surface. The multifaceted structure achieves a good in-band stability in terms of gain, sidelobes and beamwidth of the pattern, which suppose an improvement in the antenna performance with regard to a conventional printed reflectarray.
Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, URSI (37º. 2022. Málaga, Spain)
Patrocinado por:
This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish Research Agency within project (PID2020-114172RB-C21 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033); by Government of Principado de Asturias within project (AYUD/2021/51706) and by Spanish Ministry of Education under grant FPU18/0575.
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