The Ntan1 gene is expressed in perineural glia and neurons of adult Drosophila
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Scientific Reports, 12 (2022); doi:10.1038/s41598-022-18999-8
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This work was funded by the following sources, Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness [SAF2013-48759-P to E.A. and BFU2017-85882-P to E.A. and C.G.D.], the University of Oviedo [PAPI-17-PEMERG-2 to C.G.D.], and the Principality of Asturias Government [IDI-2018–000182 to E.A.]. L.C.C. and A.C.S. were funded by a Severo Ochoa PhD fellowship from the Principality of Asturias Government [PA-20-PF-BP19-040 to A.C.S. and PA-20-PF-BP19-042 to L.C.C.].
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