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Co-creation Processes Contributing to the Societal Impact of Science: Contributions from the Net4Impact Network

dc.contributor.authorGirbés-Peco, Sandra
dc.contributor.authorSebastián Zúñiga, Francisco Javier 
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez-Álvarez, Xosé Pedro
dc.contributor.authorFontanals, Marta
dc.contributor.authorCampeny, Gerard
dc.contributor.authorGómez de Soler, Bruno
dc.contributor.authorSoler, Marta
dc.identifier.citationRIMCIS: Revista Internacional y Multidisciplinar en Ciencias Sociales, 11(1), p. 54-81 (2022); doi:10.17583/rimcis.10009
dc.description.abstractMeaningful citizen participation throughout the development of research projects has increased the societal impact of science. Co-creation processes promote a more significant societal impact by aligning research with societal needs. In recent years, essential advances in citizen participation in science have been identified. However, there are still critical challenges that limit citizen interaction with scientific creations. This article provides some of the contributions made by the Net4Impact network in the face of these challenges. Specifically, we analyse co-creation processes developed by those projects that have demonstrated societal impact. This qualitative study is based on the analysis of Webinars, meetings with researchers from different scientific areas and Communicative Content Analysis. As a result, this work provides six examples of societal impact in three scientific areas: social sciences, humanities, and engineering. In addition, we analyse the characteristics and implications of the different co-creation processes developed by these successful
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work has been developed in the framework of the Research Network on the Social Impact of Science NET4IMPACT (RED2018-102779-T), a project 74 Girbés et al. – Co-creation Processes funded by the State Programme for Knowledge Generation and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R&D&I System of the Spanish Ministry of Science and
dc.format.extentp. 54-81spa
dc.publisherHipatia Pressspa
dc.relation.ispartofRIMCIS: Revista Internacional y Multidisciplinar en Ciencias Sociales, 11 (1)spa
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.rights© Girbés-Peco, Sandra... et al.
dc.subjectSocietal impactspa
dc.titleCo-creation Processes Contributing to the Societal Impact of Science: Contributions from the Net4Impact Networkspa
dc.typejournal articlespa
dc.relation.projectIDNET4IMPACT (RED2018-102779-T)spa
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accessspa

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