Comparative proteomics of Pinus–Fusarium circinatum interactions reveal metabolic clues to biotic stress resistance
Autor(es) y otros:
Fecha de publicación:
Versión del editor:
Physiologia Plantarum, 173(4), p. 2142-2154 (2021); doi:10.1111/ppl.13563
Descripción física:
p. 2142-2154
Patrocinado por:
This research was supported by FEDER through COMPETE (ProgramaOperacional Fatores de Competitividade) (POCI-01-FEDER-016785)and by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Scienceand Technology (FCT) within the URGENTpine project (PTDC/AGR-FOR/2768/2014). Thanks are due to FCT/MCTES for financial sup-port to CESAM (UID/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020) throughnational funds. FCT also supported JA (SFRH/BD/120967/2016). LLwas supported by a fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science,Innovation and Universities (BES-2017-082092). The Spanish Ministryof Economy and Competitiveness supported LV and MAC throughthe Ramón y Cajal programme (RYC-2015-17871 and RYC-2017-23706, respectively)
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