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Intercultural Experiential Learning: Integrated Geography Field Courses for Undergraduates in Arts and Humanities in Spain

dc.contributor.authorMenéndez Arboleya, Andrea 
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Díaz, Benjamin
dc.identifier.citationArboleya A.M. y González-Díaz B. (2021) Intercultural Experiential Learning: Integrated Geography Field Courses for Undergraduates in Arts and Humanities in Spain. En Wessell J.E. (eds) Experiential Learning in Geography (pp. 151-165) Cham : Springer
dc.description.abstractFieldwork is an irreplaceable tool for acquiring first-hand real-world knowledge. Extensively used in Geography, its use is not so prominent in other disciplines within the field of knowledge of arts and humanities. We present the multidisciplinary experiential and integrated human-physical undergraduate geography curriculum in Spain. During the fall 2019 semester, 190 first-year humanities undergraduate students from different cultures and countries of origin enrolled a 3-months integrated human-physical geography field course as part of a major geography curriculum at the University of Oviedo. Between October and December, each student attended eight 1-h field preparation lectures and two 4-h field sessions around different geographical areas of Oviedo. As evaluation means, the faculty members used a three-folded assessment modality. In addition to active participation before and during the field sessions, the post-trip elaboration of an individual piece of handmade cartography was required for each student to pass the field course. 82% of enrolled students completed the field course. Regardless of discipline, the students evaluated this learning modality as stimulating and enriching as it promotes active learning and intercultural sociability outside the
dc.description.sponsorshipGobierno del Principado de Asturias Ref.: Proyecto: PA-20-PF-BP19-090spa
dc.format.extentp. 151-165spa
dc.relation.ispartofExperiential Learning in Geography: Experience, Evaluation and Encountersspa
dc.rights© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
dc.subjectAsturian fieldwork traditionspa
dc.subjectIntercultural experiential learningspa
dc.subjectIntegrated human-physical geographyspa
dc.subjectMultidisciplinary field coursespa
dc.titleIntercultural Experiential Learning: Integrated Geography Field Courses for Undergraduates in Arts and Humanities in Spainspa
dc.typebook partspa

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