Analysis and validation of a hybrid forward-looking down-looking ground penetrating radar architecture
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Remote Sensing, 13(6) (2021); doi:10.3390/rs13061206
Patrocinado por:
This research was funded by the Ministerio de Defensa, Gobierno de España and the University of Oviedo [contract 2019/SP03390102/00000204 / CN-19-002 ("SAFEDRONE")]; by the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN) [project 2018-IN855A 2018/10 (“RadioUAV: drones para aplicaciones más alláde lo visible”)]; Regional Government of the Principality of Asturias (PCTI) and European Union (FEDER) [grant IDI/2018/000191]; the Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Industrial de Asturias (IUTA) [project SV-19-GIJON-1-17 (“RadioUAV”)]