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Plots of crestal structural relief and fold area versus shortening: a graphical technique to unravel the kinematics of thrust-related folds

dc.contributor.authorPoblet Esplugas, Josep 
dc.contributor.authorBulnes Cudeiro, María Teresa 
dc.contributor.authorMcClay, K.
dc.contributor.authorHardy, S.
dc.identifier.citationPoblet, J., M. Bulnes, K. McClay, and S. Hardy (2004) Plots of crestal structural relief and fold area versus shortening — A graphical technique to unravel the kinematics of thrust-related folds. En McClay, K.R. (Ed) Thrust tectonics and hydrocarbon systems: AAPG Memoir 82 (pp. 372–399). Tulsa, Oklahoma : The American Association of Petroleum Geologists
dc.description.sponsorshipWe acknowledge financial support by Projects AMB98-1012-CO2-O2 (Actividad sismotectónica, estructura litosférica y modelos de deformación varisca y alpina en el NO de la Península Ibérica) and PB98-1557 (Mecanismos de plegamiento: teoría y aplicaciones en geología económica y regional) funded by the Spanish Ministry for Education and Culture, and support by the Acción Integrada HispanoBritánica HB1999-0038 (Cinemática de pliegues y estructuras menores asociadas a cabalgamientos a partir del estudio de materiales sintectónicos y de su modelización) funded by the Spanish Ministry for Education and Culture and the British Council.
dc.format.extentp. 372-399
dc.relation.ispartofThrust Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Systems
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAAPG MEMOIR, 82
dc.rights© 2004 By the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
dc.titlePlots of crestal structural relief and fold area versus shortening: a graphical technique to unravel the kinematics of thrust-related foldsspa
dc.typebook partspa

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