The critical raw materials in cutting tools for machining applications: A review
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AR wish to acknowledge the financial and scientific support received from the Italian National Projects SIADD ARS01_00806 MIUR nr. 1735, as well as the Department for Sustainability of ENEA for the equipment and expertise required to make this work possible. SG acknowledges that part of this work was summarised and carried out in the Centre for Doctoral Training in Ultra-Precision, which is supported by the UKRI via Grants No.: EP/K503241/1 and EP/L016567/1. Part of this work used Isambard Bristol, UK supercomputing service accessed by Resource Allocation Panel (RAP) grant. SG is particularly grateful to the fantastic financial support provided by the UKRI (Grant No. EP/S013652/1, EP/T001100/1 and EP/S036180/1), H2020 (Cost Actions (CA18125, CA18224 and CA16235) and EURAMET EMPIR A185 (2018)), Royal Academy of Engineering (Grant No. IAPP18-19\295), and Newton Fellowship award from the Royal Society (NIF\R1\191571) that allowed technical interactions across border. RI gratefully acknowledges financial and scientific support from the Spanish National Projects MAT2017-88258-R and ENE-2015-70300-C3-3-R. BP acknowledges that part of the contributions for this research was funded and supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), grant number SFRH/BD/129614/2017, and by the Ukrainian state budget via research project number 0120U100475.
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